Creating the future of seed enhancement. Increase yields with ecological benefits.

Patented Venso™ is a dust free, multi-layer liquid concentrate application system for seed enhancement. With superior preservation of microbes and up to 100 times more even drying conditions than any other technology.
Bare Wheat
Ready for treatment
Layer 1
Fungicide, pesticide in
bio-degradable polymer
Layer 2
Segregate microbes in
bio-protective polymer
Layer 3
Growth stimulant in
robust, flowable top coat

Patented Venso™ is the only technology that can coat and dry discrete layers of liquid concentrate encapsulating chemistry, trace elements, buffering and biologicals while maximising microbial shelf life.  Our IIoT control system can manage dosage on the go and control the temperature of the seed and coating throughout drying to cut wastage.

VensoFlow coated seeds
TOWARDS A better future

Solving 100 year old seed coating problems

In 1932 R.H. Porter noted unavoidable seed and microbial damage from seed treatment machinery. Finally, VensoGrow has ticked all the boxes for survival and efficacy of bio-active seed coatings, applied with established chemical coatings in controlled, discrete layers. 

And the benefits of unlimited layering go well beyond microbials - providing a toolset for endless innovation in chemical and microbial seed treatments.

Experience the future of seed applied technologies with BreezeCoat™ integrated coating and dr
ying. Our innovative in-flight spray coating with controlled drying conditions, maximises seed, vigour and on-field treatment efficacy.

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Slash wastage

Seed coating wastage from overheating, bruising and clumping or clustering of  seed coatings can be 15-20% and more. BreezeCoat™ solves all these problems to deliver more seeds with less time and cost.
icon arrows pointing outwards

Enhance quality and yield

Maximise quality control by layering coatings under uniform, controlled conditions that eliminate chemical phytotoxicity and are gentle on seeds and microbials. Increase germination, improve the viability and vigour of seeds and enhance global crop yields.
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Cut pollution and cost

BreezeCoat™ removes the need for powders as binders for liquid seed enhancement formulations. Powders increase processing and freight costs and cause dusting which harms pollinators and creates pollution and OH&S issues.
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Unlock new markets

Unlock unlimited innovation in your products by harnessing the unique benefits of BreezeCoat™ to realise previously impossible goals to solve the most difficult challenges.
the BreezeCoat™ advantage

The difference we can make

BreezeCoat™ protects seeds and natural seed coatings such as bacteria, enzymes and fungi from processing damage. Offering increased germination rates and plant vigour, our process supports improved multi-layer seed coatings that reduce waste, increase yields, protect crops and enhance the soil. We help farmers and producers make the most of their resources, while supporting multiple UN Sustainability goals.
Why BreezeCoat™ is a better seed coating solution
benefit pollinators

Zero dusting pollution

The first seed enhancement system that can deliver the required doses of liquid concentrate onto seed without needing added powders.


Plant health and the environment – the EU has passed anti-dusting regulations in 2023.
seedling in healthy soil

No harmful residues

Discrete, micro-dosed, microplastic and dust free coatings provide maximum plant stimulation without harmful residues.


Our environment, soil biome and land productivity.
young corn crops

Plant protection and stimulation

Only BreezeCoat™ controls the temperature of the seed and coating. Our Contactless Seed Enhancement System also cuts processing waste.


Valuable seeds and improves germination success rates and plant vigour.
healthy farmland

Sustainable energy use

Rapid, efficient drying lowers energy costs and reduces seed processing times to seconds, not minutes.


The environment by reducing emissions, and your wallet by reduced energy costs.

Supporting UN Sustainability Goals

BreezeCoat™ technology can help you support five key UN sustainability goals.
  • GOAL
  • #2
Zero hunger
Sustainable cropping systems can increase yields and support the regeneration of productive soil biomes.
  • GOAL
  • #6
Clean water
Dust free and precision-dosed coatings avoid wastage, and reduce the need for fertilisers, herbicides and pesticides that can enter our waterways.
  • GOAL
  • #9

Innovation and infrastructure
Our compact, modular and scalable seed treatment infrastructure can benefit farmers with mobile on-field solutions and agricultural businesses of all sizes.
  • GOAL
  • #13
Climate action
Our energy efficient technology reduces processing and freight emissions to reduce greenhouse gases.
  • GOAL
  • #15
Life on land
By supporting regenerative biological seed treatments we can increase both crop yields and land health, reversing soil degradation and improving farmers' bottom line.

BreezeCoat™ benefits for seed coating

The re-imagining of seed coating was the culmination of the life’s work of our Technical Founder, Emeritus Professor Owen Potter AM, a globally recognised fluidisation expert. Benefits include:

sustainability earth and leaf icon
Gentle on seeds and microbials
Other technologies produce wastage from clustering, hotspots and prolonged heat exposure. VBreezeCoat™ optimal seed separation, precise temperature with transient heat exposure and 100x more even drying maximises seed vigour and viability and treatment efficacy on field.
moving faster icon
A platform for innovation
Compact, efficient, multi-stage design that scales to your needs, processing multiple layers in seconds. Flexibly accommodates multiple different coating types on one seed for resilience in response to variable climate and pests.
Sustainability icon
Slash dust pollution
BreezeCoat™ delivers more concentrated liquid actives onto seeds than any other technology, with no need for powder binders. Slash airborne pollution and protect pollinators with our superior seed enhancement system.

BreezeCoat™ advantages

  • All-in-one Multi-layer Coating and Drying - Replace Multiple Machines
  • Optimal Seed and Microbial Preservation and Enhanced Shelf Life
  • Increase Germination Rates
  • Dust Free, Climate-Resilient, Multi-Layer Liquid Seed Treatments
  • Anti-dust and Bio-active Coatings on Pelleted and Encrusted Seeds
  • On-Brand Colour Accuracy, Segregated Layers
  • Energy efficient by harnessing gravity
  • Compact, scalable, modular, CAPEX & OPEX efficient
VensoFlow Seed Coater and Dryer

Problems of conventional seed coating systems

Roto Pan Coaters

  • Like a mixing bowl, batch, not continuous flow
  • Slower and more labour intensive
  • Typically 1-2 layers maximum
  • Centrifugal force can reduce seed vigour and viability
  • Toxic chemicals can damage seeds
  • Agglomeration of coated seeds
  • Additional machinery for drying may be needed
Rotary Drum Dryer

Rotary Drum Dryers

  • Prolonged drying time, uneven exposure
  • Mechanical & heat stress to seeds & coatings
  • Excess heat can denature biologicals
  • Excessive energy “lifting” seeds
  • Bruising reduces germination & vigour
  • Agglomeration of coated seeds
  • Excessive wastage as a result
Roto Pan Coaters

Fluidised Bed Dryers

  • Prolonged drying time, uneven exposure
  • Mechanical & heat stress to seeds & coatings
  • Excess heat can denature biologicals
  • Excessive energy “lifting” seeds
  • Bruising reduces germination & vigour
  • Agglomeration of coated seeds
  • Excessive wastage as a result
Fluidised Bed Dryer
for chemical companies

Do you sell innovative seed coatings?

icon chemical laboratory
photo woman looking into microscope

We are building our PBM catalogue, where chemical companies can upload polymers and plant beneficial materials for seed coating companies to run on machines powered by BreezeCoat™. If you offer approved chemical and biological seed coatings get in touch.

for manufacturers

Do you design and sell innovative seed coating machines?

photo man and woman standing in engineering lab in high vis safety gear
icon engineering

We partner with leading seed coating manufacturers to license our technology and provide blueprints for your market segments. If your customers want to cut out powders and need controlled drying conditions to maximise yields and reduce wastage get in touch.

“ BreezeCoat offers an entirely new paradigm for seed enhancement. Lets slash agricultural pollution and make the move to precisely dosed, layered seed coatings with natural plant stimulators and protectors such as enzymes, bacteria and fungi – to build a healthier soil and food chain for us all.”
Caecilia Potter, CEO VensoGrow